Instructional Design & Technology

Our team supports the design of course activities and assignments, and helps L&S instructors select and use technologies to enhance teaching and learning. Our goal is to help create deep and rigorous learning experiences that draw upon evidence-based learning experience design. We are committed to helping instructors choose realistic and sustainable technology in support of learning outcomes, helping to develop a stable support structure, and providing training while designing solutions.

We can work with you on your timeline to set goals you can accomplish, collaborate to (re)design course components or strategies, help you learn new technologies or tools to implement your solutions, and help reflect on your progress.

Examples of instructional design and technology goals we can help with include:

  • Revise assessments in Canvas to align with course goals, reduce barriers to students, affirm academic integrity, and better support student learning over time.
  • Improve the organization and aesthetic appeal of your Canvas course to help students navigate and use the course.
  • Develop in-person activities that align with course assignments to scaffold student learning and improve student outcomes.
  • Create a set of interactive lecture strategies to use throughout the semester to increase student participation.
  • Use Canvas and other tools to provide more efficient feedback and communication.
  • Create, implement, and review mid-semester evaluations to support and guide innovations.

Getting Started

Our work typically starts with one 45-minute virtual meeting. Please share information with us about your design challenges and goals. We will reach out promptly to schedule a meeting to learn more and begin designing together.

Request a Meeting

Course Planning & Design Tools

Our templates can help you get started with planning and designing your course. In addition to your past syllabi, we recommend three tools to help you consider your course at a high level, align your materials to your objectives, understand and communicate connections between course components, and consider credit hour requirements and use of time.

View Templates

Technical Help

Looking to resolve a technical issue with Canvas, Zoom, Piazza, Kaltura, Top Hat or other learning technology? The DoIT Help Desk provides free tech support and troubleshooting help with your computing needs, including common questions about all UW-supported learning technologies. The Learn@UW team also leads technology workshops to get you started each semester.

Contact DoIT Help Desk

Instructional Design & Technology Staff

Antonella Caloro

Position title: Instructional Technologist


Phone: 608-263-5002

Van Hise Hall

Laura Schmidli

Position title: Instructional Technology & Engagement Specialist


Phone: 608-262-8790

Van Hise Hall

Molly Harris

Position title: Instructional Project & Engagement Specialist


Phone: 608-262-3260

Van Hise Hall

Jonathan Klein

Position title: Director


Phone: 608-263-3828

Van Hise Hall

David Macasaet

Position title: Instructional Media Producer


Phone: 608-265-8945

Van Hise Hall

Maria Widmer

Position title: Instructional Design & Engagement Specialist


Phone: 608-262-9747

Van Hise Hall